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How To Deal With Missing Your Partner

Truly, I feel for those in relationships who aren’t quarantined together.

This lockdown is hard to deal with being single however, I do feel it is harder for those in relationships. Having to be separated for an indefinite amount of time from someone you have strong feelings for isn't easy and can be emotionally and physically hard to deal with. I empathise with just how much it sucks to have the physical aspect of a relationship taken away from you so suddenly. Personally, physical touch is a love language that I am dependent on when in a relationship, which makes missing a partner a lot tougher to deal with. However, what I have learned during this lockdown is that there is more to a relationship than just physical touch. This is a powerful thing I have learned and it has reminded me that relationships aren't limited to just one love language.

So, here are some tips I gathered from my friends and family to help you guys deal with missing your partners in the different love languages!

Words of Affirmation

Probably the one that can be most easily achieved and strengthened during this quarantine. The great thing about being quarantined in the 21st century is that everyone has a form of technology they can communicate with. So text, call or facetime your partner! Or if you’re feeling extra sweet, write them a love letter that they can receive in the post as a sweet surprise :). Use words to remind them of how much you appreciate and love them. Especially in times like these, it's nice to know that someone is thinking of you. Words are really powerful, so keep in mind the impact of what you say and how it can affect your partner. Keep each other motivated and remind them that they aren’t alone in this.

Quality Time

Maybe I’m just a bit of a simp for romance, but I love the idea of virtual date nights! From Netflix movie nights to getting dressed up and sitting down to a facetime dinner with each other. With all the time in the world right now, invest some of it into your relationship. Take turns planning virtual date nights, but make sure you don’t talk about this pandemic. Talk about each other and continue learning more about your partner. Consistency is key, so in order to maintain this, set aside time in your day to spend talking to your partner when you can give and receive each other undivided attention.

Acts of Service

The last two are a little more difficult to do, but still very much achievable. If you know your partner hasn’t been feeling 100% during this quarantine, try and do something that’ll distract them and make them feel better. Maybe make them a Spotify playlist of their favourite songs or a list of tv/film recommendations that you know they’ll love. Taking the time to create something for your partner shows a lot about how much you care for them and is a great way to help keep you busy and their mental health in check, whilst also allowing for the emotional side of your relationship to develop further.

Receiving Gifts

To all my students out there, loan has already/is dropping, so why not send your partner a little something. Everyone loves a little gift, but remember it doesn’t have to be something huge or extravagant. It can be as simple as sending them flowers, a card, a little gift basket of things for self-care, or a piece of clothing you’re willing to sacrifice. Giving them a piece of you is a fun and caring way of saying ‘I’m thinking you’ without having to always say it sometimes. 

However, the best piece of advice I can give to you all is honestly, take this time to strengthen your relationship with yourself. You’re never going to get an opportunity like this again in your lifetime. Take this time to get to know yourself again and to recognise the growth you have achieved so far in your life. Then take this reflection and use it to grow further. The more time you spend on working on yourself, the busier you are and the less you’ll miss your partner so much. I know that it’s easy, especially after being in a long-term relationship, to fall into the default of relying on your partner to always be there for you. When realistically, it's impossible to have access to them there 24/7. Use this opportunity to become the best version of yourself. Put yourself first during this lockdown, so you can maintain and continue growing a healthy and happy relationship with your partner. 

Thank you all so much for the support I’ve been receiving on my blog. This blog was highly requested and I’m so happy to share my thoughts and tips! If you have any other topics that you want to see discussed, please feel free to share them with me in the comments below or tweet me @roann_gutierrez.


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