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Lust a cheap imitation of Love by Gigi Delmonte

Artwork by Antonia Tabi

Dating can be a hit and miss in a generation full of narcissists. It's a tug of war of feelings and emotions most people can’t seem to comprehend. Why has dating become so complicated? It's not as straightforward as it used to be; it’s so sad in a world full of hopeless romantics. We can’t even express our feelings, the fear of rejection is what halts us, dropping a few levels we now lack standards. Think to yourself, what is it I really desire? It's the bare minimum we stick by, it's the comfort of the environment we’re obsessed with. What a sweet talker he is; but I know she’s all he sees. I'm just a bystander of my own misery wanting someone that’s not for me, love so sweet I guess I’m just settling.

They say, ‘keep your guard up,’ why do we fear the aspect of vulnerability

I’d rather go numb than let them see it through the naked eye. Nothing’s picture perfect when there’s others in our frame. Trying to play each other at their own game but find ourselves hurting even more at this point. I just want that long-lasting love. That you’re my only type of love. 2021 you’ve made it so hard. Toxic what a trend you have become, how silly is this game. It's like playing Jenga, let’s see who can push the last block to its limit and who's taking the first tumble after the first fall. So many tired souls, they'll go with anything that’ll show them any type of attentiveness, adoration, affection.

‘We have made sex so accessible as a generation that there’s no need for titles for the concept of love to be involved in a relationship.”

But take that aspect out. Take sex out of the equation, what do you see in that person? Who are they to you? What are their aspirations/dreams? Where do you see yourself with this person in 5 years? A generation that's skipped the dating stage. We now go from DMs to links to situationships. How frustrating.

We think we know what love is, but we’re just a bunch of fools that have created lust as a cheap imitation of love. Hopeless romantic, minus the romantic. I find myself pursuing a tunnel with a dead end. Being the back up one to get you through your heartache, your healing process, your fuck boy stage, come let me just relieve your stress your frustration. Oh, how the roles have reversed. I find myself in that mentality of who cares, I’m over it. Everyone’s the same and nothing’s going to change. Now I’m the one that’s lost in her ways. How do you even explain the concept of dating in your 20s? Writing these words on paper have really made me think what the perks of all of this are. What do I gain from heartbreak after heartbreak? I’m exhausted. Talking stage after talking stage when does it end, who does it end with?

I just want to be alone; loneliness seems to be what drives us into the arms of the no good. This is where our toxic marathon begins. Not together but together, I don’t care who's messaging you right now. God help this generation of lost souls, misled minds, and blindsided hopeless romantics.

Who will win? The toxic kings or our hot girls of the summer.

Editor’s note: Munya Mwaijumba

With the rise of social media and beauty expectations, romance and chivalry is becoming a thing of the past. In today’s world, those that are in their 20s looking for a long term relationship struggle as ‘hook-up’ culture influences the way we view commitment. This writer makes it clear that it feels as though wanting a deep connection with someone puts you in the minority. Leading to loneliness and heartbreak from searching for ‘the one’. The article asks a lot of questions in order to truly question societal expectations when it comes to dating young. Gaining a new perspective into why this is the case would be a great way to delve further into this subject, as including current societal practises.

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