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My Experience Doing the Chloe Ting Challenge

Disclaimer: I am not a professional and I still have a long way to go. I just wanted to share my experience of taking part in the Chloe Ting 2 Week Shred in hopes of motivating you to try it out for yourself.

At the start of this challenge I was defeated, mentally and physically. My mind was not in a good place and I took it out on my body. 

Lethargic, unmotivated and tired all the time I decided that enough was enough. I remember sitting down two nights before deciding to take it on and wrote a letter to myself. There was a lot of anger and self-hatred that I just needed to let go of in order to fully commit to making myself better. Finally admitting to myself that the excuses for not working out were stopping me from moving forward. Almost as if a switch flipped in my mind and now I was ready for change.

I truly believe in the power of manifestation, so when my mentality changed, that’s when I came across Chloe Ting’s videos. She offers amazing free workout programmes on her website with easy to follow youtube videos and is super motivating in every single one. Check them out here!

Now, I can only speak from my experience but, this challenge truly changed my life for the better. 

Starting with my goals, it was no longer focused on ‘losing weight’ for other people. It was no longer to prove to other people that they were wrong about me. I did this challenge for myself. I wanted to have confidence in my body whatever size it was at. I wanted to push the limits of what my body was capable of. To feel stronger and after watching nearly every results video on youtube, I was curious to see if it really worked. 

This challenge is definitely not made for beginners and I can’t stress this enough, if you can’t keep up or even do some of the exercises at first DO NOT give up. The first 3-4 days were difficult for me and even by day 14 I still did to have to take some breaks. But a good workout is supposed to challenge you and really make you sweat. Of course, you’re not going to be an expert and that’s okay. If you can’t do the high impact versions of the moves, do the low impact. It doesn’t mean you’re not working as hard as Chloe, it just leaves space to improve, which essentially was my main goal. 

Commitment is essential to be successful in this challenge. The workouts are literally 10 minutes each out of your day. So there is no excuse to not do it. If you keep telling yourself before the workout ‘I can’t do it’ then you’ve given up before you’ve even tried. Change your mindset to ‘I can do this!’ and you will see results. Maybe not perfectly but nonetheless you’re building resilience which is going to strengthen you mentally.

As the challenge went on I could begin to see the changes taking place. By day 7 I could see the improvement in my stamina and strength. A lot of the moves I was struggling with, such as the corkscrew, I was finally able to do. These little changes I was seeing made the workout worth it. It allowed me to feel accomplished every day and by the end, I was really proud of how much I had improved from day 1. 

When taking on this challenge, my eating habits changed and a lot of realisations were made. In taking on such a high-intensity programme naturally, you’re going to need more food, something I realised the hard way. I can’t stress this enough if you are thinking of taking on this challenge eat and drink as much as you want as long as it's done mindfully. Eating junk every day isn’t going to help but neither is restricting yourself. Just make little changes to have healthier options and you will honestly feel so much better mentally and physically. But don’t restrict yourself, girl you can still eat that chocolate bar, but just make sure that you’re eating it as part of a balanced diet. 

This is more of tip, but breatheeeeee. During this challenge, you will learn the importance of breathing when doing the exercises. When I followed Chloe’s advice on breathing I improved by 80%! So when Chloe says breathe in here and out here, she knows what she’s talking about.

If I could change one thing in how I approached this challenge, I definitely would’ve stopped looking at myself every day. I say this because if you’re looking or weighing yourself every day, you yourself are not going to see the change even though everyone else around you can. Essentially putting yourself up for failure. Plus, our bodies and weight change every day. Therefore how good you feel on the inside is truly all that matters at the end of the day. Definitely something I am working on in the new challenge I’m doing. 

Since completing this challenge I have grown so much in self-love and confidence. I have a lot more respect for my body and therefore only want to keep making myself feel good. The biggest change has definitely been in my mental health. I’m so much happier and optimistic and this has encouraged me to take on more of her challenges. Currently, I’m on day 5 of the Flat Tummy Challenge and will continue to keep up with it. This challenge has well and truly put me in the right direction on my journey to self-love and confidence.

So I encourage you to take on this challenge too and share your experience with me in the comments below or on twitter @roann_gutierrez. My dms are open to everyone taking on or thinking of taking on her programme because you’re not alone in this. If you have no one fighting in your corner you have me and I believe you can do it!

If Chloe is reading this, thank you so much for providing such an amazing programme. You have well and truly changed me for the better! You are super encouraging and have become an inspiration of mine :).


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