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Should the lockdown be eased so prematurely?

This is only my opinion of the matter in question, however, I feel so strongly towards it that I felt the need to share my views.

Talks of the UK easing lockdown are arising and all I can say is I’m disappointed. 

Truly, this mentality of ‘I want my freedom back’ from the whiny childish British public is weak and dramatic. The UK has not handled this lockdown seriously, with so many selfish people going out to meet their friends, partners etc in large groups up till now, 7 weeks in. 

Now, I agree we are not as bad as the US, in that we are not openly gathering in huge crowds protesting with the encouragement of their president. However, we are just as bad in choosing a temporary good time over a long term stable and fulfilling life.

Why is it that the working class have to raise money for the NHS when it is the government’s responsibility to be funding basic human rights to free healthcare? Why can’t the rich let go of a dent in their pocket and donate it to help save lives? 

It’s because we’re selfish. 

If in 40 years from now and my child asks me to describe the way the UK has handled this lockdown, it would be SELFISH. 

I see no empathy, no care. They don’t care if someone in your family dies because it doesn’t affect them until it does. 

The rich will reopen the economy at the expense of your family’s lives whilst drip-feeding us a promise of freedom. 

You feel like a prisoner in your own home because you are. You’re caged in by a mentality that for the given circumstance is selfish. 

For the greater good, no one wants to sit at home another day. 

For our nurses, doctors, NHS staff, key workers, elderly, young children. 

Our future. 

You’re all willing to sacrifice it all for a short term pleasure. 

Until I honestly see those people in power on the frontlines of the NHS serving I refuse to believe or go through anything they say, especially if this the way they are behaving.

I want to be out there as much as the next person. I want to see my friends, hug my family and sit in Mcdonalds. But I’m just being realistic here. 

My wants are not worth the risk of other people's needs. Your wants are not worth the risk of other people's lives.

People need their mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, cousins, friends...

Humanity needs humanity.

To be clear, I don’t hate capitalism. I think capitalism can be beneficial. Nor do I think the entire British public is acting irresponsibly. However, to choose it over not providing proper PPEs for NHS staff, buying more testing kits and letting people die without seeing their loved ones, it just isn’t the right choice for this situation. 

My frustration stems from a feeling of empathy.  Disbelief at how the government is just so willing to let people die to let the economy thrive. It's a deal with the devil. Exchanging lives for money. Something so temporary and egotistical. 

Don’t let the devil tempt you. We’re all smarter and stronger than this.

To choose darkness over light is not the path I choose and I would hope it's not the path you’re choosing. 

Things are never going to be the same after this, but clearly this had to happen in order for a greater positive change to eventually take place. 

At the end of the day, this is only one person's opinion. I don’t have the power to control what the government, the public or you do. But I do have power over myself and my choices. So if the lockdown eases up prematurely, personally, I will still not be leaving my home until I see a significant positive difference.

Life needs to go on but it needs to move on in the right direction.

Stay home, stay safe and make the right decision. 

If you have an opinion on this matter I’d love to discuss it, so please feel free to share it with me in the comments below or tweet me @roann_gutierrez.


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