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Dear Asian Community, We Need to do More.

Recognise your privilege and use it to support #BlackLivesMatter.

A symbol of unity, the Black Lives Matter Logo, from

The situation in America is scary and we can only imagine what the black community has been going through. We saw the way Asians were treated in response to COVID-19, so don't turn a blind eye to the inhumane treatment that the black community have endured for centuries.

Why do I feel so strongly towards this? 

I grew up in a multicultural part of London and I have friends and family from all communities. Having so much diversity in my life allowed me to see the world through a wider lens, whilst having experienced racism on a personal level, I saw the way family and friends were treated differently for not being white and have been a witness to the unfair advantages, particularly in education and the workplace. I fear for the lives of my family that are mixed race because they do not care for what you have in your DNA, they only care that you’re not white. It scares me to think that members of my family and friends are more at risk of dying unjustified deaths just because of the colour of their skin. 

Civil Rights leaders Martin Luther King (pictured left) and Malcolm X (right) , image from

Studying American history for 4 years, initially I was excited and passionate to learn about this big magical country I used to see on Disney Channel. To learn their history from beginning to end, hoping it would read like a fairytale. But it was a lie. In my 4 years of studying American history, the voice of African Americans went unheard unless it was peaceful. This censorship is why history is so white washed, their rewrite of history has tainted the way everyone in society functions and enforces a hierarchy.

Ex US President Donald Trump's shocking tweet, screenshot from Twitter

Despite slavery being abolished in 1865 in the US, oppression has been maintained. Up to the point where a racist President was elected in 2017. A President who gives informal permission for the police to murder AAs for no reason. A President who calls AAs ‘THUGS’ on Twitter for defending the names of those horrifically murdered by racist white police officers. A President who wants white supremacist officers to always be the victim, never the killer.

George Floyd 'I Can't Breathe' artwork, image from Instagram

Yet, racism is not limited to the US. It still exists in the UK, we’re just better at hiding it. The murder of Belly Mujinga should not be swept under the rug. In fact, the UK should be shouting as loud as Americans are to get her the justice she and so many untold stories deserve. The UK needs to recognise racism within our own country if we’re going to be speaking about others. 

Pictured: Ms. Belly Mujinga, image from Twitter

To my Asian community, recognise the racist attitudes we hold towards the black community. If someone in your family, your friends, your Church, your workplace etc says or does something insensitive, call them out. Put them on the spot and make them recognise that what they are saying is wrong and hurtful towards an entire community. Highlight the micro aggressions and ignorant actions. Challenge their beliefs and educate.

'There comes a time when silence is betrayal' by MLK, photo of a sign from a BLM protest, image taken from Instagram

It is better to speak up, then to fit into the colonised creation of being a ‘model minority’. To choose silence is to choose the side of the oppressor. To put our community against and above the black community is what they want us to do. Because racists know they don’t stand a chance against unity of communities. Don’t play the oppression Olympics, don’t let yourself be gaslighted into silence. Recognise the privilege and platform you have and use it to give #BlackLivesMatter a voice.  Sign the petitions, retweet and share their stories.

The colour of your skin should not be the reason why someone should die at the hands of the people that are supposed to protect them.

Sign the petitions here: 

And there are so many more, sign the ones that you come across on your social media. Let their voices be heard! #BlackLivesMatter 

Please share this with those in your community to grow support for the movement. This is my platform to show my support, use yours. You can leave a comment down below or tweet me @roann_gutierrez.


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